Friday, January 21, 2011

Meeting- Jan 21

We are having issues with section four's laziness. Even in 6th grade, they don't throw out their lunch garbage. We are thinking of having another station behind it all. We voted, and putting another compost, recycling, and trash station is hopefully going to happen. Anna and Garrett are going to talk to the right people about that.
We are also going to change our school colors to the same as Boynton. We will have a compromise. We voted against changing them to red and gold, like the high school, and decided that we should just have the same colors as Boynton. The color isn't decided yet, and nor does Boynton know, but the superintendent thought that it would be a good idea.

Friday, January 14, 2011



Valentine hearts/ notes
Colorful Beads
Pink, Red, and White Day (For Valentines)
Snow Games

Spirit week (crazy hat day, pj day, switch up the teacher day, teacher appreciation day)
Pep rally w/ mascot
Green and silver beads/ hats

Talent week
Teacher prank day

This is what we have for the rest of the year so far. For the meeting next week we are planning on splitting into groups and planning on the events for each month. The suggestion Meghan made last meeting is in Mr.Knight's office. If you have any ideas put them in the box WITH your name on them. The people with the best ideas will get candy. Also, encourage your friends to put in their ideas.

The next meeting wil be next Friday (January 21) in MS. PORCHEDDU- ION'S room- B201. 

Friday, January 7, 2011

January 7th, 2011 meeting

We're thinking that there should be some sort of outdoor winter fest.
  • Snowball Throwing
  • Snowmen
  • Winter Games
  • Snowflakes
  • Fake Snow
  • Sledding outside
We could build a snowman or two a day after a snow day or something and have a snowball throwing contest, trying to knock down a snowman (kind of like dunk day)

We were also thinking some sort of Teacher Appreciation Day- but as a surprise for the teacher.

 There is now a SUGGESTION BOX!!!  January is now going to be the Suggestion Month. Come up with good ideas for making the school a better place. Be a leader and think of a serious idea- really, don't be stupid. Do you want the hats back? Doors on the stalls? No homework on Fridays? It's your school. The suggestion box will be put in the main office.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Our Next Meeting

Our next meeting will be Friday January 7th for OFFICERS ONLY.