Thursday, June 9, 2011

8th Grade Meeting

There will be a meeting for 8th graders who would like to come and help pick out quotes for the 8th grade quote wall. Come to Mr. Kaltman's tomorrow at 8:15 am.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

End of the Year Party

The student council/WEB end of the year party is this Tuesday after school from 3:30-4:30. Spread the word about it to other WEB/Student Council members. Bring a drink or snack to share.

Tuesday is also dunk day so wear your bathing suit and spread the word to everyone that it is dunk day.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Meeting Today

This is our last meeting. Next tuesday is Dunk Day, the Student Council and WEB celebration fter school. If you want more information on how to help, talk to Ms. Bechert or Mr. Kaltman.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Circle of Courage Day

Thank you to everyone in and out of Student Council who helped make last Friday a successful event! I hope everyone enjoyed it.

Monday, May 9, 2011

COC- Awards Planning Meeting

This afternoon (Monday) after school we had a planning meeting with Ms. Boynton for what the Circle Of Courage awards will look like, who they will be written by, and when they will be presented (among other things).

Written by...
  • regular home base teacher 
  • mixed home base teacher 
  • students are assigned to another student in their grade
  • students within regular home base (with guidance of home base teacher)

What they'll look like...
  • Category (Generosity, Belonging, Independence, Mastery) and ONE SENTENCE about student 

When/by who the award will be put together...
  • Send electronic copies out to all teachers and have them fill in student name, category, and sentence 
  • Have teachers email back completed awards 
  • Proofread emailed awards 
  • Check that every student has an award that has been accounted for 
  • Print out awards 

When awards are given out...
  • Awards for all students are going to be given out during mixed home bases

Big Assembly...
  • One student nominated by mixed home base to be recognized 
  • Speakers on circle of courage
  • Students nominated work bring puzzle piece and put puzzle together- puzzle is picture of circle of courage
  • Cloth pieces decorated and put together as one big quilt
  • Mixed home base chooses one word that they feel sums up the circle of courage and has a nominated student present it 
  • Cee Cee's rap about COC 
  • Band performance 
  • 4 people out of whole school get awards-Generosity, Independence, Mastery, Belonging
  • Students vote for teachers/staff for 4 big awards- Generosity, Independence, Mastery, Belonging 

  • Tuesday: Logistics Panning for COC Assembly- 3:30 to 4:30 after school  
  • Thursday: Advertising/Activities Planning for COC Assembly- 3:30 to 4:30 after school
  • Friday: Student Council Meeting- 8:15 AM 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Meeting- May 6th

We are having plaques made for all of the teachers on the staff to show our appreciation. Diego Lopez-Crane is making them on the Laser Engraver and charging us either a dollar fifty or two dollars for them as a fundraiser for TSA.

The Awards Assembly is very important to talk about. It's on May 27nd, and after the assembly in the morning all of the 8th graders will go to the highschool.
In the morning, the students would go to homebase.
Next they would all move into the gym, where there would be some sort of entertainment (band, dancers, etc.)
Then the Awards.

Penny Boynton's idea was slightly different than ours. Instead of going straight from homebase to the assembly, students would be sorted into their groups, where they would choose which of them receives the award.

We decided that this idea was a good one, but instead of choosing one person per group, each student would get one while in the group. They would not be overly personalized, but it would be nice to get everyone an award. The assembly will be more for the specialty awards, and teacher awards.

For lunch, we could have a mixed up lunch or a normal lunch. If it was mixed, it would be outside (if the weather is nice) and if not we would eat in the cafeteria, in shifts, while the other people wait in the gym. If we didn't have mixed lunch, and it was normal, we would go to our normal class period 4th.

We were talking about how we're doing lunch. We could do it by group (homebase mixed groups), by grade, or just normal. We want an opportunity for all of the grades to socialize, but organizing this would be hard.

Organizing meetings will be next Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.
Monday: Anna, Caitlin, Jacy, Cee Cee
Tuesday: Gabrielle, Difa, Garret, Cee Cee
Thursday: Anna, Ben, Owen, Gabriella, Cee Cee

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Meeting 5.4.11

Today we talked about having the Circle Of Courage Assembly for a half day in the
We came up with an agenda for the day: 
1) Students go to homebase
2) Students report to the gym where they are welcomed with music (band/orchestra/choir)
3) Awards handed out (Maybe we can talk to the Armstrong school of dance for some dancers?) 
4) Students will go back to homebase and play team building games

For teacher appreciation we will make plaques for $2.00. 

NEXT MEETING: This Friday, May 5th. 

Friday, April 29, 2011


Today we talked about multiple things.

We talked about Teacher Appreciation Day, and how we're going to give them plaques that we're buying from the TSA.

Circle of Courage Day:

We're thinking May 27th, the day before memorial day.
We think it's going to be a two hour assembly, or a full day of Circle of Courage events. If it was a full day of Circle of Courage, we would take the afternoon to do team building activities.

So, it's going to either be a half day or a full day. We're asking the homebases for a vote, and we're meeting next Wednesday to discuss this more.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Next Meeting

Our next meeting will be the Friday after we get back from break- Friday, April 29th. Enjoy your week off!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Circle of Courage Awards Day:
  • Awards given to each students during their group by teacher
  • Assembly at end of day with special awards and band performance, etc.
  • Lunches 4, 5, and 6 period by group
  • Two truths and a lie 
  • Card about yourself...guessing who had what card 
  • Circle Of Courage sorting game 
  • All school with performance of band, etc.

Friday, April 8, 2011

4.8.11 Meeting

Awards Assemblies:
  • Discussed how we want awards assemblies to be set up- grade by grade or all school
  • Discussed what awards we want to have/ how awards are going to be given out- all students should be given an award
  • Are kids okay with it if the awards have meaning? Some awards can end up being generic and not as special. 
  • Circle of Courage Day: Assembly in morning, mix up of 6/7/8th grades in groups of 12 with a teacher mentor, do activities to build characteristics of the Circle of Courage
NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, April 13

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Next Meeting

Our next meeting will be next Wednesday, March 30.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Student Council Meeting 3.11.11

Science Fair-
  • Bring in people from cornell
  • All day science fair
  • Sometime in late May or June
11 voted yes for science fair
4 voted no for science fair
Majority = YES For Science Fair

  • April 3rd (not correct date, will be discussed next meeting) W need volunteers to to talk to staff at the staff meeting about hat proposal. If you are interested in helping talk to Owen. 

Passing Out Candy-
  • Pass out more for spirit week 
  • Has to be passed out to the school today, 9th period

  • Student Council Dance tonight
  • We need people to sign up to make announcements at their lunch period  

Friday, March 11, 2011

Meeting- Spirit Week, St. Patricks day

We have moved the date of Spirit Week to NEXT WEEK. The next time you will be in school, you should be wearing PAJAMAS.

Monday is Pajama Day
Tuesday is Twin Day
Wednesday is Shorts & Tie Day
Thursday is Formal Day (and also St. Patrick's Day)
Friday is Crazy Day

For St. Patrick's day, we will be giving away candy.

To talk about next Friday:

  • Meeting to Bring Hats Back
  • Science Fair

Friday, March 4, 2011


We're thinking about what we should have in Spirit Week!

Crazy Hat Day
Twin Day
Pajama Day
Shorts and a Tie Day
Inside Out Day
Formal Day
Cowboy/Girl Day
Crazy Day

Spirit Week will be the 21st to the 25th.

The next thing we did at student council today was vote on what we wanted to do.
Crazy Hat Day-12 votes
Twin Day-9 votes
Pajama Day-10 votes
Shorts and a Tie Day-12 votes
Formal Day-14 votes.
Crazy Day-10 votes.

We decided that we are officially going to have:
Crazy Day- Friday
Twin Day- Tuesday
Pajama Day-Monday
Hat&Shorts&Tie Day-Wednesday
Formal Day- Thursday

We are also going to sell green beads on St. Patrick's Day.

The school is actually deciding whether or not to keep the Circle of Courage as our school's motto/set of values. Next friday we will talk more.

NEXT MEETING: Friday, March 11, 2011 (Next Friday).

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Our next meeting is on Friday, March 4th at 8:15 AM. 
If you were not on the email list that Mr. Kaltman sent out here is what he said. 

I hope you all are enjoying your break.

So far this year Student Council has accomplished a great deal.  We have successfully held elections, we helped orchestrate the can drive and helped create school spirit with the Halloween event, Candy giveaway event and Valentines event. Last month upon Mr. Knight's suggestion we put a suggestion box in the office hoping to receive suggestions on how to make our school a better place.  Through this median ideas were generated that we should explore together as a body of school government and decide democratically which ideas to pursue.  We need to follow a set of procedures to accomplish this goal.  This procedure I propose follows:

1.  When meeting starts co-presidents will discuss agenda.
2. All students who wish to present an idea to the council will have to submit in writing either by email or at the begining of the meeting to the either copreisdent.  The idea could be a 1 or two sentences but must be written down.
3. When the idea is presented, there will be time for a dialogue for 5 minutes. To have a dialogue we need to allow everyone to have a voice.  For this to happen the Vice President will write the names of the people on the board who wish to speak.  They will each individually speak one at a time.
4. At the end of the meeting we will vote on all ideas one at a time and then be dismissed.  If our meeting extends into homebase so be it.

If any of you have any more ideas to share please email me. (His email is

See you Friday for our next meeting at 8:15AM.

Regards your advisor,
Mr. Kaltman

Sunday, February 13, 2011


On Friday we signed more people up to help out with Valentine's Day.

If you are helping deliver Valentines meet in the computer lab across from Mr. Kaltman's room- D101 9th period on Monday. If you would like to help out but are not signed up you are welcome to come as well.

Remember to wear PINK RED and WHITE on Monday.

Our next meeting is Friday, February 18th.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Today we finished fine tuning the details of our activities for Valentines Day.

Our next meeting will be Friday February 11th (this Friday).

Friday, February 4, 2011

Meeting- Feb. 4, 2011

Today we made posters about what we're doing for Valentines.
We are wearing Pink, Red, and White for Valentines Day and also sending the notes.

We also discussed the suggestion box, and went through the suggestions.

Our next meeting is Wednesday Feb. 9th at 8:15 am.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Student Council Meeting

There is a student council meeting tomorrow morning- Friday February 4th at 8:15 am in Mr. Kaltman's room.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Meeting- Jan 21

We are having issues with section four's laziness. Even in 6th grade, they don't throw out their lunch garbage. We are thinking of having another station behind it all. We voted, and putting another compost, recycling, and trash station is hopefully going to happen. Anna and Garrett are going to talk to the right people about that.
We are also going to change our school colors to the same as Boynton. We will have a compromise. We voted against changing them to red and gold, like the high school, and decided that we should just have the same colors as Boynton. The color isn't decided yet, and nor does Boynton know, but the superintendent thought that it would be a good idea.

Friday, January 14, 2011



Valentine hearts/ notes
Colorful Beads
Pink, Red, and White Day (For Valentines)
Snow Games

Spirit week (crazy hat day, pj day, switch up the teacher day, teacher appreciation day)
Pep rally w/ mascot
Green and silver beads/ hats

Talent week
Teacher prank day

This is what we have for the rest of the year so far. For the meeting next week we are planning on splitting into groups and planning on the events for each month. The suggestion Meghan made last meeting is in Mr.Knight's office. If you have any ideas put them in the box WITH your name on them. The people with the best ideas will get candy. Also, encourage your friends to put in their ideas.

The next meeting wil be next Friday (January 21) in MS. PORCHEDDU- ION'S room- B201. 

Friday, January 7, 2011

January 7th, 2011 meeting

We're thinking that there should be some sort of outdoor winter fest.
  • Snowball Throwing
  • Snowmen
  • Winter Games
  • Snowflakes
  • Fake Snow
  • Sledding outside
We could build a snowman or two a day after a snow day or something and have a snowball throwing contest, trying to knock down a snowman (kind of like dunk day)

We were also thinking some sort of Teacher Appreciation Day- but as a surprise for the teacher.

 There is now a SUGGESTION BOX!!!  January is now going to be the Suggestion Month. Come up with good ideas for making the school a better place. Be a leader and think of a serious idea- really, don't be stupid. Do you want the hats back? Doors on the stalls? No homework on Fridays? It's your school. The suggestion box will be put in the main office.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Our Next Meeting

Our next meeting will be Friday January 7th for OFFICERS ONLY.