Sunday, February 27, 2011


Our next meeting is on Friday, March 4th at 8:15 AM. 
If you were not on the email list that Mr. Kaltman sent out here is what he said. 

I hope you all are enjoying your break.

So far this year Student Council has accomplished a great deal.  We have successfully held elections, we helped orchestrate the can drive and helped create school spirit with the Halloween event, Candy giveaway event and Valentines event. Last month upon Mr. Knight's suggestion we put a suggestion box in the office hoping to receive suggestions on how to make our school a better place.  Through this median ideas were generated that we should explore together as a body of school government and decide democratically which ideas to pursue.  We need to follow a set of procedures to accomplish this goal.  This procedure I propose follows:

1.  When meeting starts co-presidents will discuss agenda.
2. All students who wish to present an idea to the council will have to submit in writing either by email or at the begining of the meeting to the either copreisdent.  The idea could be a 1 or two sentences but must be written down.
3. When the idea is presented, there will be time for a dialogue for 5 minutes. To have a dialogue we need to allow everyone to have a voice.  For this to happen the Vice President will write the names of the people on the board who wish to speak.  They will each individually speak one at a time.
4. At the end of the meeting we will vote on all ideas one at a time and then be dismissed.  If our meeting extends into homebase so be it.

If any of you have any more ideas to share please email me. (His email is

See you Friday for our next meeting at 8:15AM.

Regards your advisor,
Mr. Kaltman

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