Written by...
- regular home base teacher
- mixed home base teacher
- students are assigned to another student in their grade
- students within regular home base (with guidance of home base teacher)
What they'll look like...
- Category (Generosity, Belonging, Independence, Mastery) and ONE SENTENCE about student
When/by who the award will be put together...
- Send electronic copies out to all teachers and have them fill in student name, category, and sentence
- Have teachers email back completed awards
- Proofread emailed awards
- Check that every student has an award that has been accounted for
- Print out awards
When awards are given out...
- Awards for all students are going to be given out during mixed home bases
Big Assembly...
- One student nominated by mixed home base to be recognized
- Speakers on circle of courage
- Students nominated work bring puzzle piece and put puzzle together- puzzle is picture of circle of courage
- Cloth pieces decorated and put together as one big quilt
- Mixed home base chooses one word that they feel sums up the circle of courage and has a nominated student present it
- Cee Cee's rap about COC
- Band performance
- 4 people out of whole school get awards-Generosity, Independence, Mastery, Belonging
- Students vote for teachers/staff for 4 big awards- Generosity, Independence, Mastery, Belonging
- Tuesday: Logistics Panning for COC Assembly- 3:30 to 4:30 after school
- Thursday: Advertising/Activities Planning for COC Assembly- 3:30 to 4:30 after school
- Friday: Student Council Meeting- 8:15 AM
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